No one really believe those sappy happy endings in movies and TV shows right? Only, I think I kind of did and keep getting surprised when reality slams us down again. The sick person is supposed to find the beauty of life and the joy of every little thing and the spouse is supposed to be beside their love every step of the way, helping them to carry their pain. I knew this was fantasy but I still feel cheated. Does that make any sense?
I have to step away from my husband for a time because I am the enemy . No matter how hard I try and help him direct his anger at the disease and away from me, he cannot see it.It has been so long since I have seen the man I married inside this man before me. I miss him. I want to hold him and cry with him and help him find peace but I am so tired and he is too angry. Thank the Lord for the amazing staff at the facility who can be there for him when I cannot. They are such a blessing.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Christmas Musings
Is it possible that Christmas is all about suffering? Looking back at the painful and emotionally draining experience of our Christmas I am tempted to ask why? Why more suffering on Christmas? My husband's disease continues to take from us and take from us. On Christmas Eve he began shouting at the nurses in the care facility and then threw something at them. He was supposed to be joining us that evening. I went over to try and clam him down and he was not there. Instead was the rage-filled, mean and spiteful man that the disease sometimes turns him into. I didn't listen to my instincts but convinced myself that he could still some home and calm down. The calm did not last and he informed that he was never going back to the hospital and I could try to make him. He shouted at me, he pleaded with me, he threatened me and the whole time I just ached for my kids who were in their room with their Auntie trying to hide. Finally he decided to leave and refused a ride to the hospital but my sister was able to convince him to get into the car after a block. I immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up.
The next day we had to decide whether he could come over or not. On what could be our last Christmas, would it be better to protect the kids from the emotional agony? In then end I went to assess his mood and found him calm and willing to listen. I risked it. He came and laughed with the kids and ate Christmas dinner and went home without complaint. Praise the Lord, truly.
It was my sister who said, "Christmas morning wasn't a happy occasion really. Mary and Joseph were alone and in a barn having their first child and soon they would have to flee to save their baby." So...Christmas is about the birth of Jesus who came to restore this world of pain and suffering. He came to heal broken minds and bodies and defeat the darkness once and for all. I am so glad for the few hours of peaceful family time that we had on Christmas Day. I won't ask why we have to walk this road. I will ask for patience and grace and the ability to always look beyond to His coming.
The next day we had to decide whether he could come over or not. On what could be our last Christmas, would it be better to protect the kids from the emotional agony? In then end I went to assess his mood and found him calm and willing to listen. I risked it. He came and laughed with the kids and ate Christmas dinner and went home without complaint. Praise the Lord, truly.
It was my sister who said, "Christmas morning wasn't a happy occasion really. Mary and Joseph were alone and in a barn having their first child and soon they would have to flee to save their baby." So...Christmas is about the birth of Jesus who came to restore this world of pain and suffering. He came to heal broken minds and bodies and defeat the darkness once and for all. I am so glad for the few hours of peaceful family time that we had on Christmas Day. I won't ask why we have to walk this road. I will ask for patience and grace and the ability to always look beyond to His coming.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
ADHD in our midst
I can't keep up with all of the changes in my life. It seems that we face new challenges weekly in our family. My husband has been admitted to long-term care but he is so very unhappy to be there. It is agonizing to watch and yet I have 2 small children who need me more than he does. I finally went to the doctor to talk about my son. I have been watching him since last year and wondering about ADHD. It is time to go down that road. As a teacher, I have seen the benefits of medication for SOME children so we are starting a trial. I wish I could take this away from him. He is such an amazing boy with so much compassion for others and a deep desire to succeed. Our family has been learning how to deal with the constant movement and daredevil impulses. The harder part of ADHD is the emotional side. He knows something is keeping him from being his best self and he is beginning to lose self-esteem. He is easily frustrated and cries a lot at school. I am his teacher this year and I have a wonderful class that is empathetic. They don't tease him but I worry about that happening. Worry is the problem really. It is time to trust God and quit wasting my energy on worrying. I think this blog is going to be a place to write and hopefully leave it on the page. So much for a cute and simple teaching blog. My life is just so not cute or simple.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Halloween Learning
Wednesday I woke up with dread in my heart. Halloween...26 writing hangover...all spells bad news in the middle of the week. But my little monsters made me proud. They moved through Halloween-themed learning centres all morning and had a great time! The favourite was the pumpkin decorating centre. A Kinder Grandma had donated 12 pumpkins to the class so we painted and collaged to our heart's content. They turned out great! They just love to learn. I love that about this age group.
So now report cards are written and Halloween is done, all I have left is 26 parent-teacher interviews to do. I've never been this tired by October before. My soap opera life always keeps me on the go. We are still waiting for a long-term care bed for my husband and in the meantime it is a struggle to keep us with his needs. We have a sewer problem right now and an ice dam over the door because of the foot and a half of snow that dumped in one 24 hour period 2 weeks ago. But my sister and niece are here and we are learning how to work as a family. It is so nice not to be alone in this drama. Once we all recover from the flu and are healthy again then I think we will find a rhythm of life that works for us.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
When the going gets tough...
September has been a long journey for me and I have learned a lot about teaching, about myself and about my own family. I have had some very difficult classes, difficult students who required so much patience that I often wondered at my own ability to give it. But my situation right now is neither of those. It is a swirl of trying to learn a new role, balancing home and school, dealing with painful issues resulting from my husband's decline and the demands of my children for whatever is left to give them at the end of a very long day. I am depleted.
I've thought about erasing this blog. It was meant to be an exciting chronicle of my adventure in teaching K/1 and trying to implement a reggio philosophy. Each time I come to the computer and think about writing I turn away because the truth is too painful and it would just be silly to pretend on my little blog read by none. Yet I'm not brave enough to put it all out there.
I miss the glow of a wonderful teaching day more than I can say. I'm trusting that this shall pass and I will find a way to move through this mess of my life with more peace and more grace for myself. My students deserve a better teacher than I am right now. I love them very much. Can anyone except teachers understand that fierce love we develop for our students?
When the going gets tough...
I've thought about erasing this blog. It was meant to be an exciting chronicle of my adventure in teaching K/1 and trying to implement a reggio philosophy. Each time I come to the computer and think about writing I turn away because the truth is too painful and it would just be silly to pretend on my little blog read by none. Yet I'm not brave enough to put it all out there.
I miss the glow of a wonderful teaching day more than I can say. I'm trusting that this shall pass and I will find a way to move through this mess of my life with more peace and more grace for myself. My students deserve a better teacher than I am right now. I love them very much. Can anyone except teachers understand that fierce love we develop for our students?
When the going gets tough...
Saturday, August 11, 2012
There are just too many good ideas out there. I am in the middle of a mind explosion, trying to decide how I will incorporate some new ideas while keeping the things that have worked well for me. I love to try new things but sometimes I try too many new things. Is anyone else like that? So then I have to abandon something before really giving it a chance because I was trying to implement too much. Actually, slowing down is going to be my new resolution. Teaching a K/1 split will require that. Kinders need more time to practice skills and I need to give them the time they need instead of rushing them along. I firmly believe in differentiation and have followed that model for years. I just need to be aware of setting down good solid foundations to build on. Now I just have to sort through my goals and choose the most important to implement. Wish me luck!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Family Vacation...minus one
I haven't been too worried about posting on my little blog with its audience of one. It is nice to just write out my thoughts so they aren't cluttering up my mind. We are on our family vacation on Galiano Island, BC. It is fantastic to be here and my kids are experiencing so many firsts...first drive through the mountains, first glimpse of the ocean, first touch of a starfish, first hike through the BC rainforests. But my husband is not here and this vacation was supposed to be a special family time. He just wasn't well enough to come and it was hard to leave him at the hospital for respite while we drove off for 2 weeks of fun. Each moment is bittersweet like a shadow of what it could have been if we were whole. I'm looking forward to getting back to life, school, schedule and the roles we have begun to accept as our reality. Looking at our crazy life from 2 provinces away I can see more beauty in it than when I was in the midst of the whirlwind. All of the medical intrusions and balancing of home, school, and disease seems more worthwhile than it did before, less of a terrified scrabbling to keep up. This disease has taken much and will take more before it finally leaves our family some peace but there must be a way to find more magic moments. I will look for them. But for today...I'll revel in the squeals of delight as my children race along the rocky beaches and chase the tiny crabs.
Friday, July 20, 2012
It's All Too Much...Classrooms
So here's my problem. I participated in a wonderful conference on creating a classroom environment that addresses the attention issues so many of our students have. It was full of great, wonderful advice that I truly understood the need for. Monochromatic color schemes, orderly and organized spaces, seating that meets the needs of different types of students.
The problem came when they arrived at visual clutter and began to describe how a student with an attention problem might experience a typical classroom. Are they listening to me or staring at the bright, primary colored alphabet above my head? Am I asking them to look at the whiteboard and focus when I have covered every spare inch with good, educational, cute, awesome stuff? Is everything in my room laminated making it difficult to read because of the glare? Do you see the problem? Can you hear me screaming silently in my head at the presenters as they tell me that what I have been spending enormous amounts of time on may in fact be derailing my teaching???
So here's the deal. I can no longer look at all of the cute and wonderful teachery things without asking myself, "will this help my students learn?" If the answer is no then I walk away(most of the time). I try to keep a single color background and place only the most essential things on my walls but I don't want the room to look bare and uncared for. I use student work to decorate and try to keep a lot of my decorations organic. There are so many teachers posting their classroom designs right now and I truly enjoy looking at each one. They are like works of art. But in some cases I think it is good to remind ourselves who the classroom is for and how we can use our space to really impact students. Sometimes I wish I had never attended that conference. I am such a push-over for themes and matching. Saying that, I absolutely think you can do a theme well and still have a clam and inviting classroom that doesn't steal your students' attention away from you!
The following photos are not of my own classroom(I grit my teeth as I wait to be allowed in...). They are inspiration only.

The problem came when they arrived at visual clutter and began to describe how a student with an attention problem might experience a typical classroom. Are they listening to me or staring at the bright, primary colored alphabet above my head? Am I asking them to look at the whiteboard and focus when I have covered every spare inch with good, educational, cute, awesome stuff? Is everything in my room laminated making it difficult to read because of the glare? Do you see the problem? Can you hear me screaming silently in my head at the presenters as they tell me that what I have been spending enormous amounts of time on may in fact be derailing my teaching???
So here's the deal. I can no longer look at all of the cute and wonderful teachery things without asking myself, "will this help my students learn?" If the answer is no then I walk away(most of the time). I try to keep a single color background and place only the most essential things on my walls but I don't want the room to look bare and uncared for. I use student work to decorate and try to keep a lot of my decorations organic. There are so many teachers posting their classroom designs right now and I truly enjoy looking at each one. They are like works of art. But in some cases I think it is good to remind ourselves who the classroom is for and how we can use our space to really impact students. Sometimes I wish I had never attended that conference. I am such a push-over for themes and matching. Saying that, I absolutely think you can do a theme well and still have a clam and inviting classroom that doesn't steal your students' attention away from you!
The following photos are not of my own classroom(I grit my teeth as I wait to be allowed in...). They are inspiration only.

Friday, July 6, 2012
Monster colours freebie
I loved these little poems that Mrs. Schmeltzer shared on her blog so I decided to make a book for them. My kinders will copy the colour words and my ones will write the whole sentence.

I've never done this before so I hope it works!
I've never done this before so I hope it works!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Blog Stalker
I have been a secret blog stalker all year. I am amazed how it has impacted my teaching and each time I buy something from a teacher I cheer inside that we are finally sharing our wealth of talent with each other. I think I'm ready to quit stalking and join the community but ladies you sure are a talented bunch of teachers and I am intimidated.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Well, today after we cleaned, we went to the beach for a few hours and then retreated inside to have a rest. Instead of a book picnic we decided to play with watercolours and salt. My son was really proud of his artistic endeavours and that is the goal of any art lesson, I'd say!
I've been thinking through the Daily 5 in my class next fall. I already do a lot of the basics, setting expectations then modelling and evaluating our successes and not-so-successful moments. I have found it to be the best way for me to teach. I am nervous about applying those expectations to kindergarten students. The next step is a year plan!
I've been thinking through the Daily 5 in my class next fall. I already do a lot of the basics, setting expectations then modelling and evaluating our successes and not-so-successful moments. I have found it to be the best way for me to teach. I am nervous about applying those expectations to kindergarten students. The next step is a year plan!
Friday, June 29, 2012
It is past midnight which means I am officially on summer vacation. I am really going to miss my routine and my kids will be needing some routine too. My goal for the summer is to take a picture a day. I wanted this summer to be a special memory for our family, not knowing what next summer will hold with my husband's illness. He has Spino-cerebellar Ataxia which in our family means, "Daddy has something wrong with his brain and he can't do all the things other daddies do. He loves us very much but sometimes he has bad days." Tomorrow, after we all clean our rooms(groan), including Mom(double groan), we will take our favourite books outside and have a book picnic.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Today was Kindergarten orientation day. WHEW! I am exhausted and it was only half a day. The kids were more tired than I was though. They listened to our last story while laying on the carpet. I can't wait to get them together with the grade ones and start to become a class family. It will be a new adventure. My first time teaching Kindergarten, my first time teaching a split grade and my first time implementing Daily 5. Bring it on!!!
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